Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

king A3 kratom kapuas


Kratom Kapuas is another name of Mitragyna Speciosa or Daun Puri which originated from the village in the upland of Kapuas upstream.
Kratom Kapuas type is divided into 4 types, namely: Red, White, Green and gold. Kratom kapuas is a type of Herbal Medicines available in powder form

Sell Herbal Medicines (Kratom kapuas - Daun Puri - Mitragyna Speciosa)Powdered form. For ordering goods, price information of sale and purchase please contact via Email at:

Kratom helps you have more energy. 
Just as when a person drinks coffee to start the day, is more active and has a strong focus, Kratom also has the same benefits without any negative effects. One of the original uses of Kratom in its home region is as a stimulant that helps users feel more energized and focused without the effects of mild headaches and a faster heartbeat. In Thailand, where Kratom or Mitragyna Speciosa is an original product, farmers and heavy-duty workers consume these plant leaves to face heavy work and effective working hours last longer. Another common benefit of Kratom is the natural ability to increase one's motivation. With the right doses and types, you can be more inspired and driven to face new challenges - from work, family and society.Kratom helps you feel more relaxedKratom's ability is to make you feel more energized and do more boring work for hours. Doing this task will burden you after it's right? Thus, you need to relax. Kratom, believe it or not, while giving you the ability to be more productive and energetic, also has the ability to make you feel more relaxed. One of your Kratom intakes reaches a certain dose level; One of the benefits came into play. Natural herbs help you feel calm, calm and stress free. Doing hard work all day will not be healthy if in the end you will feel less satisfied and not appreciated. With the use of Kratom, you will better understand your well-being and can help you gain confidence and resume your daily tasks, free of tension. Kratom will also help you sleep more soundly and faster with sedative capacity. With this, Kratom can boast of having a quality anti-anxiety, anti-depressant and a cure for insomnia at the time.

Super green vein borneo
Green maeng da malay
Green papua
Green vein borneo
Green maeng da borneo
Green riau
Green elephant borneo
Red of bentuagie
Red vein borneo
Red horn bali
Red hulu
Red sunda
White maeng da borneo
White bali
White elephant borneo
White sumatera
White vein borneo
White horn elephant borneo
Super white vein borneo
White riau
White horn borneo
White kali
White vietnam
White thai

TOP 3 General Benefits of Kratom:
Energy, Relaxation, Pain Relief.
The popularity of Kratom as a natural medicine is growing rapidly. Although many of the benefits have been mentioned as native Southeast Asian herbs, there are actually some simple but much-needed benefits that most people have in medicine - be it natural or synthetic.Kratom, which prides itself on containing the most beneficial elements found in today's natural remedies, really gained considerable popularity from the common benefits that people sought. These benefits include more energy, relaxation and as a pain reliever.
Kratom as a pain reliever.
Kratom also has analgesic qualities that can help relieve pain in the safest way. Supported by a number of testimonials from users, Kratom has been noted to alleviate various diseases such as back, muscle pain and even pain after surgery or accident. Some also noted Kratom as an effective way to cure headaches, chronic pain and other pain related illnesses. Moreover, Kratom is known to have no side effects. What actually stimulates your body's natural pain receptors, without causing you to lose the energy of most prescription drugs.
Other health benefits of Kratom:
In addition to these common benefits, Kratom has a long list of various positive effects that include alternative treatments against various diseases such as diarrhea, high blood pressure and diabetes. It is also an effective way to improve athletic and metabolic functions faster that helps users lose weight. Kratom is also an effective treatment against addictive hazardous drugs such as opioids and painkillers that carry several risks of abuse and side effects. Kratom serves as an efficient transition drug for those who want to reduce their opioid intake without dangerous withdrawal symptoms.However, it should be noted that these benefits generally vary from person to person and depend on the dose and type of person. Most Kratom users today utilize the general benefits of natural remedies for relaxation or analgesic qualities. Ultimately, it all depends on your goal if you want to use Kratom as an energy booster, as a reliever, a pain reliever or as a treatment against the above mentioned diseases. The important thing is to educate yourself about the miracle of this natural ingredient and to determine what is right for you.

Kratom Effects
(Benefits and Benefits for Health)

1. Stimulation: In small amounts, Kratom is energy like a cup of tea. The energy produced does not correlate with anxiety or elevation of your heart rate. Most reports describe it as brain energy where you feel like your mind is more clear, you experience a deep focus and have a sense of balanced spirit and vitality.
2. Improving the mood : Most users say that Kratom is very exciting for your mood. Another effect of this plant is that it can cause you to feel deep satisfaction and well-being. At larger doses, Kratom powder can produce a very excited feeling. This may be the result of the mitragynine alkaloids that have been found to exhibit anti-depressant qualities.
3.Increasing Concentration: Another effect of Kratom is as an intense or nootropic a focus amplifier. The white and green strains of Kratom are very effective to ward off brain fog and help you to focus all your mental energy at this point. Students say it makes them feel more attentive while sitting in the classroom and the husband has said it helps them to become more attentive while listening to their wives. There is a review of users who say it is increasing Enter the symptoms / ADHD, make the mind more clear and make it easier to concentrate while studying or doing difficult mental work.
4.Potential As a sedative: When you use larger doses of kratom bubbles, it produces more than anxiolytic effects and sedatives. While supporting a positive mood, it can also calm you down and help you get rid of your mind from the stress of mind. These supplements can also reduce the nervous feeling and help you release both mental and physical tension.
5.Analgesics (Reduce Pain): Mitragyna speciosa has been proposed as an effective alternative to pain killer prescription hard. This activates mu-opioid receptors such as drug morphine for temporary or chronic pain relief. It has been reported to work for such conditions as headache or migraine, rheumatic pain, vascular pain, muscle aches and even chronic pain that may be resistant to other drugs. The effects of Kratom are also seen as much safer and less addictive than some of the powerful drugs currently prescribed by doctors.
6. Improving Sleep Quality: Another preferred effect of Kratom is that it is one of the best natural herbs to improve sleep quality. It can work to shut off your mind before going to bed and can put you into a calm state that makes it easier to fall asleep. Some reviewers say they experience more dreams when using Kratom as a sleep aid and that they tend to wake up feeling fresher and ready to go the next day.
7. Raising Socialization: A further byproduct of Kratom's use is that it can make you more social and relieve anxiety when meeting strangers or talking to large groups of people. It can even increase your enjoyment of social interaction so you are more inclined to go out and take part in various social activities.
8. Sexual enhancers : There are many reports of people taking Kratom extracts as aphrodisiacs and sexual performance enhancers. This ethnobotany can increase the sensation of passion and allow you to last longer during the action. It seems to work as a sexual incentive both for men and women.
9. Relieve Opiate Withdrawal: This Kratom effect may not apply to many of our readers, but it is one of the fastest growing uses for this natural compound. For those who are addicted to opiates or who want to reduce their opiate habits without withdrawal, Kratom offers serious assistance. It is said to cover the effects of withdrawal from opiates and other illicit drugs that are often characterized by excessive sweating, vomiting, muscle aches, insomnia, anxiety and diarrhea. Using Kratom powder, one can control their dependence on this drug until your system is fully detoxed. Since Kratom is not addictive, you can stop using it without the same risk of withdrawal.
10. Improving Health: Kratom has been used for hundreds of years by the culture of Southeast Asia as a medicinal herb. This population has identified various general health benefits associated with Kratom. It is a powerful anti-oxidant that has even been found to reduce damage to neurons after a stroke. It can lower blood pressure and naturally contain alkaloids commonly used in anti-hypertensive drugs. It also contains Catechin which is said to mimic insulin and control blood sugar levels for diabetics. Other effects of Kratom include anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that can boost your immune system. Finally, some have been found to increase weight and improve athleticism by increasing energy metabolism.

Kratom Dosage
Although this is a challenging question, based on hundreds of Kratom users feedback the range below seems to be the most accurate. Kratom effects, when taken in moderate doses will generally last 3 - 4 hours, much like many medications. The effects that Kratom will have on a person involves a lot of factors such as body mass, general tolerance, etc. In any case, one should always use caution and start with a low to moderate dose and work your way up from there.
After interviewing several Kratom users regarding dosage it was found that the starting point was generally 2 -3 grams and then a 0.5 gram increase on the next use (Warning: This increase was not done immediately, but the following day in this interviewees case) and allow yourself 20 - 40 minutes for the Kratom to take effect.
Another rarely talked about factor is the difference between Red, Green and White Veined Kratom. In over half of the users interviewed it was found that many Kratom users either responded better to Kratom users feedback the range below seems to be the most accurate. Red Vein Kratom or the other two, White and Green Vein. It seemed that there are two camps here. The reasons were, according to these users, that the Red Veined Kratom such as Thai and Maeng Da generally offered a higher level of energy and for those that did not respond well to Red Vein Kratom, caused edginess. Others, who preferred the White and Green Vein Kratom generally reported a lower to moderate stimulating effect (Energetic) and higher Euphoric effect.
Another very important factor to mention is that Kratom taken in higher doses will cause a sedating effect. It was reported that, in many cases, the Kratom user had taken a dose which was too high without realizing it and experienced this sedating effect, thus not thinking that the Kratom had worked at all. In fact, the Kratom did work, but unbeknownst to them, they had taken too much and gotten tired instead of experiencing the pleasant stimulation that they'd heard so much about. With that said, if you experience a sedative effect instead of a stimulating (Energetic) effect, you probably took too much and should reduce the amount of Kratom used on your next dose. In cases where too much Kratom was taken and sedative effects were experienced, one must allow 6 - 10 hours before attempting another dose as to allow the Kratom effects to absolve.
If you have taken Kratom and do not feel the effects in an expedient manner, DO NOT take more or double your dosage. Factors such as recent meals can delay the effects, so allow yourself a minimum of 1 hour or longer for the effects to take place. Another factor regarding delayed effects have been reported when ingesting Kratom capsules. Bear in mind that your stomach must also dissolve the gelatin or vegetable cellulose capsules.
If you've taken a low to moderate dose of Kratom and experienced very mild effects or none at all and have waited over 4 hours, you can increase your dose by 0.5 grams. Just because you are over 6 foot tall and 200 Lbs.
does not mean that more is better. Upon one male Kratom users experience, he was was 6' 4" in height and over 200 lbs and could not take more than 2 grams of Kratom per dose without feeling sedation. In another interview, a female Kratom users experience, she was 5' 1" in height and 98 lbs and her perfect dose was approximately 4 grams per dose. This information helps to reinforce that moderation with finding your perfect Kratom dose is imperative.
Finally, there have been no reported overdoses from the use of Kratom. If one were to take an exceeding large amount of Kratom, the body would simply expel it (Throw it up). There have been a small amount of reports where people had high amounts of hard narcotics, alcohol, cough medicine and Kratom in their system and had extremely negative effects. For anyone with common sense, including the medical examiner, these effects were not caused by Kratom.
The doses below are for regular Kratom powder and NOT enhanced Kratom or Extract:
2 - 4 grams = mild effects (Stimulant Effects)
4 - 6 grams = medium effects (Stimulant Effects or Sedative / Analgesic Effects)
6 - 8 grams = strong effects (Sedative / Analgesic Effects; Too strong for most people)
8 grams or Higher = very strong effects (Sedative / Analgesic Effects; NOT RECOMMENDED)
Caution: The kratom doses above apply to kratom leaves or powder (not extracts). Peoples sensitivity to kratom can vary, and kratom can vary in potency based on the type or where it was sourced from and sometime vary quite a bit, so these dosage estimates should be regarded as approximations only. As recommended above, one should always start with a low dose when experimenting with a new batch of kratom. It is not recommend to take a strong dose on the first time you are sampling a new batch of kratom. It is best to take kratom on an empty stomach when using strong doses (i.e. wait about 3 hours after eating). Those who are hypersensitive to kratom, and may experience adverse reactions such as upset stomach or vomiting.

A3 Kratom provides package.
250 gram   : $25
300 gram   : $28
400 gram   : $36
500 gram   : $43
1000gram  : $80
5-10 kilogram : $70 free 1kilogram
11-20 kilogram : $60 free 2 kilogram
21-50 kilogram : $55 free 3 kilogram
51-100 kilogram : $50 free 5 kilogram
If the purchase reaches 100kg, I'll give you a special price And got free 10kg.

  1. Red vein borneo 
  2. Green vein borneo
  3. White vein borneo
  4. King golden borneo
  5. Red of bentuagie
  6. Green of bentuagie
  7. Red maeng da borneo
  8. Green maeng da borneo
  9. White maeng da borneo
  10. Super red vein borneo
  11. Super green vein borneo
  12. Super white vein borneo
  13. Super yellow vein borneo
  14. Red elephant borneo
  15. Green elephant borneo
  16. White elephant borneo
  17. Red horn elephant borneo
  18. Green horn elephant borneo
  19. White horn elephant borneo
  20. Red bali
  21. Green bali
  22. White bali
  23. Red horn bali
  24. Green horn bali
  25. White horn bali
  26. Red sumatera
  27. Green sumatera
  28. White sumatera
  29. Yellow sunda
  30. Red sunda
  31. Red riau
  32. Green riau
  33. White riau
  34. Green papua
  35. Red hulu
  36. Red kali
  37. White kali
  38. Green malay
  39. Green maeng da malay
  40. White malay
  41. Red vietnam
  42. Green vietnam
  43. White vietnam
  44. Red thai
  45. Red maeng da thai
  46. White thai
  47. Green thai

More info contact email:


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king A3 kratom kapuas

A3 KRATOM U.SAID Kratom Kapuas is another name of Mitragyna Speciosa or Daun Puri which originated from the village in the upland of...